If you’re new to the world of cigars, you’re in for a treat. Cigar smoking is an art that combines tradition, craftsmanship, and a touch of luxury. Whether you’re looking to celebrate a special occasion or simply unwind after a long day, the right cigar can enhance the experience. In this guide of Cigars for beginners, we’ll introduce you to some of the best cigar brands and recommendations for beginners. Plus, we’ll unveil the top 10 most exclusive and expensive cigars for those looking to indulge.
Cigars for Beginners: Where to Start
1. Introduction to Cigars
Before diving into our recommendations, let’s start with the basics. Cigars are meticulously crafted using aged tobacco leaves. These leaves are harvested, fermented, and rolled to create the perfect blend of flavors. Understanding the anatomy of a cigar and the various types available can help you make informed choices.
2. Choosing Your First Cigar
Selecting your first cigar is an essential step. Begin with a mild to medium-bodied cigar. These are often recommended for beginners as they offer a balanced flavor profile that’s not too overpowering. You’ll also want to consider the size and shape of the cigar, known as its vitola.
3. Cigar Brands and Recommendations
Now, let’s explore some cigar brands that cater to beginners:
a. Romeo y Julieta
- Company Information: Founded in Cuba in 1875, now produced in the Dominican Republic.
- Leaf Provenance: Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and others.
- Nationality: Dominican Republic.
- Price Range: $6 – $30 per cigar.
b. Montecristo
- Company Information: Originated in Cuba in 1935, currently produced in the Dominican Republic.
- Leaf Provenance: Dominican Republic and others.
- Nationality: Dominican Republic.
- Price Range: $8 – $35 per cigar.
c. Arturo Fuente
- Company Information: Established in 1912, manufactured in the Dominican Republic.
- Leaf Provenance: Dominican Republic.
- Nationality: Dominican Republic.
- Price Range: $5 – $25 per cigar.
d. Macanudo
- Company Information: Founded in 1968, primarily manufactured in the Dominican Republic.
- Leaf Provenance: Dominican Republic, Mexico, and others.
- Nationality: Dominican Republic.
- Price Range: $6 – $30 per cigar.
e. Perdomo
- Company Information: Founded in 1992, produced in Nicaragua.
- Leaf Provenance: Nicaragua.
- Nationality: Nicaragua.
- Price Range: $5 – $25 per cigar.
These brands offer a range of options for beginners, ensuring a smooth introduction to the world of cigars.
Top 10 Most Exclusive and Expensive Cigars
For those seeking the epitome of luxury in the cigar world, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 most exclusive and expensive cigars. These cigars are crafted with the finest tobacco leaves and often feature limited production runs. Be prepared for a premium experience, both in terms of flavor and price.
1. Cohiba Behike (Cuba)
- Price: $450 – $750 per cigar.
- Why It’s Exclusive: Hand-rolled in Cuba, the Cohiba Behike is known for its exquisite flavor and limited availability.
2. Gurkha Black Dragon (Honduras)
- Price: $700 – $1,150 per cigar.
- Why It’s Exclusive: This extravagant cigar is wrapped in an aged Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper, making it a favorite among collectors.
3. Fuente Fuente OpusX BBMF (Dominican Republic)
- Price: $75 – $100 per cigar.
- Why It’s Exclusive: The OpusX BBMF is renowned for its unique blend of Dominican tobaccos and limited production.
4. Padron Serie 1962 80th Anniversary (Nicaragua)
- Price: $30 – $45 per cigar.
- Why It’s Exclusive: Celebrating the 80th anniversary of Padron Cigars, this masterpiece boasts a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos.
5. Davidoff Oro Blanco (Dominican Republic)
- Price: $500 – $750 per cigar.
- Why It’s Exclusive: The Oro Blanco is characterized by its rare, Dominican-grown Yamasa wrapper and Dominican filler.
6. Fuente Don Arturo AnniverXario (Dominican Republic)
- Price: $135 – $250 per cigar.
- Why It’s Exclusive: Limited to Fuente’s 100th anniversary, this cigar features an Ecuadorian Sun Grown wrapper.
7. Arturo Fuente OpusX “A” (Dominican Republic)
- Price: $75 – $125 per cigar.
- Why It’s Exclusive: The OpusX “A” is known for its massive size and exceptional flavor profile.
8. Diamond Crown Black Diamond (Dominican Republic)
- Price: $50 – $75 per cigar.
- Why It’s Exclusive: The Black Diamond is wrapped in a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and is part of J.C. Newman’s high-end collection.
9. Fuente Fuente OpusX King Power (Dominican Republic)
- Price: $60 – $100 per cigar.
- Why It’s Exclusive: This OpusX variant is known for its rich flavors and limited production.
10. Padrón Serie 1926 80 Years (Nicaragua)
- Price: $30 – $50 per cigar.
- Why It’s Exclusive: A tribute to the 80th birthday of José Orlando Padrón, this cigar is a Nicaraguan classic.
Whether you’re just beginning your journey into the world of cigars or you’re a seasoned aficionado, there’s a cigar out there to suit your taste. Start with some of the beginner-friendly brands mentioned above and explore the wide range of flavors and experiences that cigars have to offer. If you’re ready to indulge in luxury, consider trying one of the exclusive and expensive cigars on our list. Remember to savor the moment, appreciate the craftsmanship, and always smoke responsibly.